nurture what you choose

To write about how we give rise to the things we feed. How to clearly see that and use it.

How we nurture by our actions. Whether it is doing a thing, thinking about a thing, focussing upon a thing, laughing with a thing, ...
That one can become aware of where he is directing his nurturing power.
That all things will grow in one way or another when they are nurtured. That nurturing comes in many and unexpected forms.
That in a sense you are always in a state of nurturing.
That one can become very aware of what he nurtures.
That anything you do nurtures some thing.
That one becomes more selective on what he nurtures.
That one chooses that he does not want to nurture a thing no more.
That one can let things just be, without the need of doing something with it.
That one realises that a thing can not survive without nourishment.
That it can be more helpful to nurture something new and to nurture the old no more.
(That one only needs to fight when the unserving thing has been nurtured to much.
That one starts to see that it is a beautiful dynamic. As a thing that serves no more shouts more. And as it shouts more it draws more attention. If one nurtures it grows and transforms and can shouts more.)
That the act of fighting a thing that does not serve, can also be nurishment and hold potential and transformation for that thing.
That resistance is also nurturing.
That many things fight for their existence.
That many things fear their end.
That that very fear can enforce a thing to grow and transform.
That fear can be seen as a potent fuel to move out of the fear.
That one can look at fear in a more beautiful way.
That fear is your ally, if you choose it to be.