let go just breathe

The act of letting go is easier when you believe that the act of letting go is accompanied by welcoming something new. When you do, you can move aspects of yourself with more trust, with more ease.

The process is similar to your breathing. There is no fear involved in letting the air in your lungs go. You are not panicking every time you move the air out of your lungs. When your lungs are empty, you do not worry about the inhale to come.

This breathing is a fearless movement of welcoming and letting go. This movement makes for a healthy you.

The air moves in and out of your lungs. The blood flows through your heart. It flows, it comes and goes continuously. The heart does not hold on to blood, neither do your lungs hold on to the air. It welcomes and let's go. If they would halt this movement, your body would be in trouble.

What if more aspects of you would enjoy this movement, this coming and going. What about all other things that come and go through you. Things you might not let go so easily like some of your thoughts, your feelings, people, relations? Anything you can experience.

Breath, let it move in and out your lungs, in and out of your life, your head, your heart. Just breathe.