to see again from the start

I wish to look as cleary as I am capable at my experiences. Because it is easy to get cought up into mental view of reality. A view of how thing are and supposed to be. And it is easy to be cought up, as all aspects of my life seem to be soacked or build upon interpretations and assumptions. Reality shows them over and over, like that is the way it is. But these assumptions, these views, these believes, shared by many, remain not nescecairly meaningful/serving/truth.

I would like to see clearly at the abstract, the small, the underlaying, the simple, the stuff that is and has been in front of me all my life. To see and to question. To become somehow independend in my seeing, with the only teacher, my experiences.

It is like we build assumptions on assumptions and interpretations on interpretations. We build a society, a world, a reality with them. But we do not check if the underlaying assumptions or the first assumption we ever made or accepted still serves us. It is easy to keep building upon the old stucture, it is easy to keep going in a certain direction with the momentum gathered by years. It has served us. But when those assumptions no longer serve, then reality will start knocking on your door, it will start to feel heavy, or it even starts to scream. It is a matter on how willing you are to change, how sensitive you are, how keen you are to listen, how capable you are in letting go of assumptions that do not serve you anymore. For it determines how hard reality slaps you in the face before you change your ways.

Because you will listen, eventually.